
Due to the recent world-wide spread of SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 the Czech Technical University following the recommendations and requirements of the Czech Government all face to face activities including but not limited to lectures, seminars, consultations, tests, etc. were canceled until a further notice.

These times are difficult for students as well for the faculty members. To at least partially alleviate the pressure put on you we are transforming our Fundamentals of Pathology, Hygiene and Epidemiology and Fundamental Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods II classes into a fully distant / on-line course. The idea is that everything will be available to you via this website. You will not have to interact with anyone or be on the campus network to obtain any of the resources.

Originally we prepared a course schedule for you in which in addition to lectures on Pathology, Biochemistry, Biomaterials we put a significant emphasis on visiting medical facilities – some of which are among the best we have in our country. Our ultimate goal was to provide you with the opportunity to really see, meet and get acquainted with Neurophysiology, Microbiology, Virology, the Gamma knife, Proton Therapy Center (the only one in the whole Central Europe) and the Department of Clinical Pharmacology. These visits were to be supplemented by a lecture on the further danger that threatens us in health care – large Black-outs.

The COVID 19 pandemic however has spoiled our plans, because with regard to the safety of patients hospital internships or even simple visits are now strictly prohibited. As a substitute, you will have several lectures on-line from those teachers/professionals you would have met on-site. We will inform you about the schedule as we will put it together. As a bonus, we have attached a presentation by a Visiting Professor of our University Prof. Kobi Peleg, MD, Ph.D. from the University of Tel Aviv, which was held at our faculty in November 2019. Prof. Peleg is among the world’s most respected specialists in the field of Crisis and Disaster Medicine.


The requirements for successful conclusion of this course are still the same. In the case the biological crises is not mitigated until the end of the semester, even that will be concluded on-line. I will provide you with more details as and if the time comes closer.


There is a new email for communication related to this course. Please use it primarily.